Sabtu, 02 April 2011

Sorry Sorry Sorry

Hello, steakers! Welcome back! Uwoh, kalo kalian ini K-Pop, pasti langsung familiar kan sama judul postingan gue kali ini? Yup, Super Junior! Hahaha, sorry sorry sorry blablabla..... but, kali ini sayangnya gue gak lagi ngebahas SuJu. Masih inget sama postingan gue yang belum lama ini terbit, yaitu " PHP, Pemberi Harapan Palsu, Yep that's you!" ? Nah, semoga inget. kali ini, gue mau nyeritain kisah lanjutan dari postingan tersebut.

As time passed by, I feel nothing. Until one night, via Twitter Frmr said " I'm sorry". Confused, I asked him " What for?" He replied " One day you would understand the meaning of my apologize". I struggled to memorize, what he did to me last afternoon. Nothing. We even didn't talk that day. So, I texted him, asked what happened. When he replied, a hurricane blew inside my heart. He read my article about him, and realized that Frmr is himself. This is the message.

M : Hey, why do you apologize?
F : Never mind, My friend just showed me something. Frmr..... he is me, right?
M : *shocked,speechles* Hahaha, correct.
F : Based on that fact, I'm so sorry.
M : Well, actually, it was not your fault at all. I did a mistake, too.
F : But, thanks you posted that article, at least I know how I mean in your eyes. I'm so sorry.
M : I just want your certainty.
F : What certainty?
M : No, forget it.
F : Just tell me.
M : No, I'm the one who expect too much.
F : Expect what? I don't get it.
M : No, I think you still have a feeling for me, but the fact you don't, right? 
F : When? Right now? Well.... My feeling about you is normal.
M : Nah, I've told you, right? I'm just expecting too much.

Stop. Now I understand. Everything. It just misunderstood. He don't have anyfeeling for me, so am I. I'm sorry, if my article hurt your heart, I don't mean to. I hope we won't get any misunderstood anymore and our friendship get better. 

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